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Zika Virus Disease and Your Eyes

Zika Virus Disease Fact Sheet

What is Zika Virus Disease and who is at risk? Zika virus disease is caused by the Zika virus. The virus is spread to people mostly through the bite of

Awareness Makes a Difference

Prevent Blindness AmericaDeclares June 3-9 as “AMD: Awareness Makes a Difference Week” In Effort to Educate Public on Leading Eye Disease Non-profit Organization to Support Educational Efforts Across the Country

Cataract Awareness Month

Vision Loss from Leading Cause of Blindness Can be Restored with Proper Treatment   –Prevent BlindnessAmerica Declares June as Cataract Awareness Month to Educate Public on Most Common Eye Disease

Vision Care Financial Assistance Information

Vision Care Financial Assistance Information
Following is a list of contact information for organizations and services that provide financial assistance for vision care. The American Academy of Ophthalmology EyeCare America® Program The American Academy of