The Focus on Eye Health Summit

The annual Focus on Eye Health Summit attracts a global audience of patient advocates, community-based organizations, vision and eye health organizations, researchers, public health experts, health-care providers, educators, early childhood education professionals, senior- and child-care professionals, government agency staff, corporate partners, health program professionals, legislative staff, and other stakeholders.

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The 2024 Focus on Eye Health Summit

Prevent Blindness will host the 13th annual Focus on Eye Health Summit on July 10-11, 2024, as a FREE virtual interactive event. This year’s theme – “Being Seen and Heard” – emphasizes the importance of a person-centered approach to vision health interventions, research, communications, and care. Being seen and heard by providers, policy makers, researchers, public health experts and other stakeholders allows an individual’s complex health issues to be addressed while taking into consideration their preferences, cultural background, and social context. And ultimately, it leads to the most ideal outcomes for all involved in the interaction.

The event will provide a platform for empowerment, education, and advocacy to advance equitable access to eye care. Through engaging discussions and informative sessions, we will explore together how social determinants of health contribute to increased or decreased eye health disparities; how innovative strategies, emerging technologies, surveillance, and collaborative approaches promote eye health; and how the power of engaging individuals results in reduced barriers to care as well as more meaningful policy, research, and programs.

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