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eye inflammation
Prevent Blindness Articles

Eye Inflammation and Inflammatory Eye Disease

What is eye inflammation? Eye inflammation occurs in response to infection, allergies, autoimmune disorders, irritation, injury, or trauma to the eyes, eyelids, or surrounding tissues. Different parts of the eye
Eye Inflammation and Inflammatory Eye Disease
Prevent Blindness Articles

Prevent Blindness Eye Health and Safety Videos

The Prevent Blindness Eye Health and Safety Video Library Welcome to the Prevent Blindness Eye Health and Safety Video Library. Here, you’ll find a selection of videos designed to educate
Prevent Blindness Eye Health and Safety Videos
Prevent Blindness Articles

Thyroid Eye Disease

What is Thyroid Eye Disease? Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), sometimes called Graves’ ophthalmopathy or Graves’ Eye Disease, is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system causes inflammation and swelling
Thyroid Eye Disease
Prevent Blindness Articles

Understanding Dry Eye

What is Dry Eye? Our eyes are always shedding tears. These tears are not caused by sadness or pain, they are made to create a “tear film.” The tear film
Understanding Dry Eye
Prevent Blindness Articles


What is Uveitis? Uveitis [u-vee-i-tis] is a term for inflammation of the eye. It can occur in one eye or both eyes and affects the layer of the eye called

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