Healthy Eyes Presentation Series – Health Presentation Topics

Healthy Eyes Educational Series

Did you know that the annual cost of adult vision problems in the US is nearly $200 billion every year?  Half of all blindness is preventable if eye disease is detected and treated early, and 90% of all eye injuries could have been prevented.

Healthy Eyes Educational Series

“I wanted to let you know that your webinar was absolutely wonderful, well-spoken, and FULL of information that I had never known before!! Thank you so very much for working with us and educating our employees.”

~Nicole Raterman, BHG Financial

Request Healthy Eyes Educational Series presentation materials

The Healthy Eyes Educational Series will help build awareness among your clients, co-workers, employees or cohorts about the importance of eye and vision health, common adult vision disorders, eye safety precautions and proactive behaviors that give the best chance for a lifetime of healthy vision.

This free, modular program includes a Presenter Guide, PowerPoint presentations, assessments and evaluation forms. All materials are available in English and Spanish.

The Prevent Blindness Healthy Eyes Educational Series is supported by funding from:


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If you would like to use modules from the Healthy Eyes Presentation Series for school or community eye health education, please submit a request to receive download instructions. Please note: after clicking the “submit” button on the form below, scroll back down the page to the request form to access download links.

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Presentation Modules

Module 01: Eye Anatomy

Healthy Eyes, Module 1 slide, eye anatomy

Objective: Know and understand the function of the parts of the eye.

Overview: The eye is a small but intricate organ with several components working together. Each component has its own function as light passes through the eye into the brain where the visual information is processed. It is helpful to understand the areas and functions of the eye because disorders are specific to a particular part of the eye.

Module 02: Refractive Errors

Healthy Eyes Module 2, Refractive Error - Myopia

Objective:  Understand refractive errors that impact visual acuity and how they are corrected.

Overview: Refraction is the focus of light rays. For clear vision the light rays should focus on the macula of the retina in the back of the eye. Refractive errors are the most common eye problem, generally known as nearsightedness and farsightedness. Most people will need vision correction at some point in their lives. Even with 20/20 vision, the ideal standard for visual acuity, the aging process does impact the shape of the eye and flexibility of the lens. Around age 40 to 50 close-up tasks such as reading become more difficult to do without vision correction.

Module 03: Contact Lens Safety

Healthy Eyes Module 3, Contact Lenses

Objective: Instill importance of proper contact lens usage and consequences of misuse.

Overview: Contacts are a correction for a refractive error which is worn directly on the cornea. Contacts are available in rigid gas permeable lenses or soft lenses.

Module 04: Adult Eye Disorders

Healthy Eyes module 4, types of AMD

Objective: Understand the risk factors, manifestation and prognosis of eye diseases and disorders that primarily affect adults.

Overview:  Under age 40, the primary causes of blindness are childhood disorders or accidents. The aging eye poses new challenges. The four primary conditions adults must be alert to are:

  • Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Glaucoma

According to the latest research from Prevent Blindness and the National Eye Institute, of the 130 million Americans over the age of 40, 30 million suffer from one of these disorders.

Module 05: Low Vision

Healthy Eyes, module 5, low vision

Objective: Breakdown limiting beliefs about vision loss and understand that resources are available.

Overview: Low vision is vision loss that can’t be corrected with glasses, contacts or surgery. Vision tools and/or treatment can improve daily living for those with vision loss greater than 20/200. Low vision experts specialize in providing services such as education and rehabilitation, as well as work and social integration. Too many people suffer from loneliness and isolation because they are unaware that resources are available to them.

Module 06: Home Safety

Healthy Eyes, Module 6, home safety

Objective: Understand that eye accidents happen quickly and learn how to minimize injuries.
Preparation is the only safeguard.

Overview: We often take our home for granted because we feel safe and secure in familiar surroundings. We can become lax about home safety with little thought of hazards in our environment but accidents can happen very quickly. An otherwise useful household object, gardening tool or even a toy can suddenly become dangerous.

Module 07: Workplace Safety

Healthy Eyes, module 7, workplace eye safety

Objective: Understand that accidents happen quickly and learn how to minimize injuries.

Overview: Workplaces across the country are certainly safer than a few decades ago thanks to government agencies such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and many others. Additionally, each industry has its own unique regulations to protect workers and the public. Despite these precautions, the workplace accounts for approximately 20,000 eye injuries every year. Each year nearly 10,000 of these injuries will be disabling, resulting in temporary or permanent vision loss.  Being conscious of potential hazards and being proactive about securing the environment are essential to assure vision safety.

Module 08: Sport Safety

Healthy Eyes, Module 8, sports eye safety

Objective: Understand the risks associated with sports and understand the benefits of wearing the appropriate eye protection.

Overview: Living an active lifestyle often includes participating in individual or competitive sports. Whether with an organized league or simply a neighborhood pick-up basketball game, protective eyewear should be worn. Hospital emergency rooms treat almost 20,000 sports-related eye injuries every year.  These are only the injuries that are reported. Injuries treated in doctor’s offices and Clinics go unreported in the overall statistics. The actual number is estimated to be two to three times greater. With appropriate protective eyewear. 90% of these eye injuries are preventable.

Module 09: Healthy Living, Healthy Vision

Healthy Eyes, module 9, healthy living

Objective: Understand how good health is an important part of good vision.

Overview: Healthy behaviors such as staying active, eating healthy foods, avoiding smoking, and protecting your eyes from the sun can lower your risk of eye disease and vision loss.