
BluTender Happy Hour Fundraiser

Located on the Pfister Hotel’s 23rd Floor
424 East Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Enjoy some crafty drinks made by Wesley Wahlberg & Tony Revolinski from Sattell, Johnson, Appel at Blu on Monday, September 18, 2017 from 5:30 – 7:30pm! 10% of all drink proceeds and 100% of tips will go to Prevent Blindness Wisconsin! Come say hi, hang out and support a great cause!

Celebrity Waiters Dinner Raffle!

Enter to win 2 free tickets to the 37th Annual Celebrity Waiters Dinner! Fill out a form or drop a business card into the bucket at BluTending to enter!

*Winner must not have attended the dinner in the past 5 years

A banner promoting the 37th Annual Celebrity Waiters Dinner