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2024 Art Therapy Program

Who is eligible to apply? Individuals with Thyroid Eye Disease and their care partners (spouses, family members, friends, loved ones). Prior experience is not necessary. Individuals who are not artists or do not consider themselves creative can still benefit and should consider participating. The Prevent Blindness Art Therapy Program participants will: Join eight (8) weekly

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

Included in this month is information about eye conditions such as amblyopia and strabismus.  Also included will be tips about preventing eye injuries in children, signs of possible eye problems and general eye health. Find out more about Children's Eye Health and Safety Month.

Anatomy of the Eye & Common Vision Conditions in Children

Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Children-Focused Series August 28: Anatomy of the Eye & Common Vision Conditions in Children ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will

Sports Eye Safety Month

There are thousands of eye injuries a year related to sports.  Tips on how to protect yourself and your children from such eye injuries will be discussed. Find out more about sports eye safety.

Evidence-based Vision Screening in Children

Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Children-Focused Series September 4: Evidence-based Vision Screening in Children ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to

Developmental Milestones before Kindergarten

Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Children-Focused Series September 11: Developmental Milestones before Kindergarten ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to improve

Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week

Information about different types of Inflammatory Eye Diseases (IED) will be provided, including uveitis, keratitis, and thyroid eye disease. Find out more about inflammatory eye disease.

Developmental Milestones after Kindergarten

Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Children-Focused Series September 18: Developmental Milestones after Kindergarten ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to improve

Mental Health Care for Blind Clients: New Ground, New Perspectives

This webinar will revisit the topic of mental health care for people who are blind.* Speakers from Prevent Blindness will share considerations for the clinician who plans to, is currently seeing, or is unfamiliar with blind patients for psychotherapy, counseling, or medication management. They will also share research findings on quality of life among blind

Treatments for Children’s Vision Conditions

Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Children-Focused Series September 25: Treatments for Children’s Vision Conditions ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to

Art Therapy Program – Fall 2024

  The Prevent Blindness Art Therapy Program is back for Fall 2024. The Prevent Blindness Art Therapy Program was created to help individuals with Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) and their care partners (spouses, family members, friends, loved ones) create art using a variety of artistic media to help express themselves and cope with feelings of

Contact Lens Safety Month

Contact Lens Safety Month—October 1-31 Approximately 46 million U.S. residents wear contact lenses. Prevent Blindness provides tips and information on how to obtain, use and care for contact lenses safely.  Halloween eye safety is also included. Find out more about contact lens safety. Find out more about the 2023 Contact Lens Safety Month

Referrals and Resources

Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Children-Focused Series October 2: Referrals and Resources ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to improve and

The Power and Value of the Informed Patient

Marriott Marquis McCormick Place 2121 S. Prairie Avenue, Chicago, IL, United States

A Critical Discussion Hosted by Prevent Blindness Marriott Marquis McCormick Place Henry Clarke Room This special conversation will involve our corporate partners, patient advocates, and friends in vision-related non-profit organizations. We aim to explore ways to enhance patient engagement in healthcare decisions and research. Join us afterwards for an evening of refreshments and networking. Register

Glaucoma Care for All: Accessing Glaucoma Care at Home and Abroad

Grand Ballroom, S100C, McCormick Place 2301 S King Dr, Chicago, IL, United States

A symposium for AAO 2024 attendees,  cosponsored by Prevent Blindness Session: SYM66 Location: Grand Ballroom, S100C Glaucoma is a chronic disease requiring ongoing care and is largely silent in its early stages. Patients may lose significant vision either through late diagnosis or through lapses in care. The prevalence of glaucoma is rising, while the ophthalmology workforce is

Virtual Office Half Hour

Virtual Office HALF Hour Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 1:00pm ET Do you have burning questions about vision screening, tools, or closing the gap between vision screening referrals and confirmatory eye exams? The National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness is providing interactive Virtual Office HALF Hours. This is a time

Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award Presentation

The Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award Presentation Join the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness (NCCVEH) on Thursday, October 24, 2024, 7:00pm – 8:00pm ET for the presentation of the 2024 Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award to the Alcon Children’s Vision Center in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Diabetes-Related Eye Disease Month

Can people with diabetes prevent the onset of diabetic eye disease? During this observance, Prevent Blindness will offer information to help the more than 8.1 million Americans age 40 and older who have diabetic eye disease. Find out more about diabetic eye disease. Find out more about the 2023 Diabetes-related Eye Disease Month

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Adult-Focused Series November 6: Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to

Closing the Gap: Helping Families Remove Barriers to Eye Care After Receiving Referrals from Vision Screenings

Watch the Webinar Recording Presentation Slides About the Webinar After receiving a vision screening, a confirmatory eye examination, and prescription glasses, many children demonstrate improvement in academic progress, an increase in focus during lessons, an increase in participation and classroom interaction, and an improvement in confidence and behavior. Yet, only about 5% to 50% of

Diabetes, Hypertension, and Eye Health

Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Adult-Focused Series November 13: Diabetes, Hypertension, and Eye Health ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to

MacTel Type 2: A Community Forum for Sharing Knowledge and Support

Watch the Webinar Recording Are you living with Macular Telangiectasia Type 2 (MacTel) or have a family member who has been diagnosed with MacTel? Learning Objectives Learn about MacTel: what it is, how it is diagnosed, and how it is managed Understand the patient experience of individuals living with MacTel Learn about resources available to

Thyroid Eye Disease Awareness Week

Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system causes inflammation and swelling and stimulates the production of muscle tissue and fat behind the eye. Prevent Blindness will provide information on TED including symptoms and treatment options. Find out more about Thyroid Eye Disease.


Vision Impairment and Mitigation in Primary Healthcare Adult-Focused Series November 20: Diabetes ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to improve and empower PCPs

Give the Gift of Sight Month

This time of year, it’s important to remember that millions of children and adults live with vision conditions affecting their ability to see and enjoy the holidays. Your donation helps to preserve vision and save sight for those in need. Ways to Give Online By Check You may send a check, made payable to “Prevent

Geographic Atrophy Awareness Week

Geographic Atrophy (GA) is the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which leads to vision loss in the center of one’s vision. Prevent Blindness will provide free information, including a web resource, fact sheets and social media graphic to inform the public of the disease that affects an estimated that 1 million people


GivingTuesday is a global day of giving. In the United States, it takes place on the first Tuesday after the Thanksgiving holiday. Half of all blindness is preventable. Your gift helps Prevent Blindness reach millions of people each year to help ensure access to eye care for all in need. With a monthly gift, you

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Vision Loss Prevention and Mitigation in Adult Primary Care Adult-Focused Series December 4: Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based

Diabetes, Hypertension, and Eye Health

Vision Loss Prevention and Mitigation in Adult Primary Care Adult-Focused Series December 11: Diabetes, Hypertension, and Eye Health ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based


Vision Loss Prevention and Mitigation in Adult Primary Care Adult-Focused Series December 18: Diabetes ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to improve and

National Glaucoma Awareness Month

More than 2.8 million Americans age 40 and older have glaucoma. Nearly half do not know they have the disease as it causes no early symptoms. Prevent Blindness will provide insightful information about this “Sneak Thief of Sight.” Find out more about glaucoma. Find out more about the 2024 Glaucoma Awareness Month.


Vision Loss Prevention and Mitigation in Adult Primary Care Adult-Focused Series January 1: Glaucoma ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based approach to improve and

Cataracts, Autoimmune, and Dry Eye

Vision Loss Prevention and Mitigation in Adult Primary Care Adult-Focused Series January 15: Cataracts, Autoimmune, and Dry Eye ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use an evidence-based

Vision Rehabilitation, Assistive Devices, and Community Resources

Vision Loss Prevention and Mitigation in Adult Primary Care Adult-Focused Series January 22: Vision Rehabilitation, Assistive Devices, and Community Resources ECHO-Chicago provides training via Zoom to build capacity at the primary care level to help primary care providers (PCPs) become more competent and comfortable delivering care. In partnership with Prevent Blindness, this series will use

AMD and Low Vision Awareness Month

Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss, affecting more than 2 million Americans age 50 and older. Low vision aids can make the most of remaining vision. Information on eye disease warning signs and treatment will be available.

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