Eye Health Infographics

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Prevent Blindness has created these eye health and safety infographics to provide easy-to-read, relevant, and timely information on a wide range of eye and vision topics.  They are designed specifically for sharing, unaltered, on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Please contact us at 1-800-331-2020, or [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to partner with Prevent Blindness on the development and distribution of eye health and safety information.

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¡Come para tus ojos!espanol-infographics infographics amd
¡Guarde la vista, no fume!infographics amd espanol-infographics
¡No dejes que las cataratas te impidan disfrutar de este rostro!infographics cataract espanol-infographics
¿Qué partes del cuerpo puede afectar la diabetes?infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
¿Tiene diabetes?infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
¿Tiene diabetes?infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
¿Un niño bajo su cuidado tiene diabetes?infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics
¿Usted o alguien que conoce tiene baja visión?espanol-infographics infographics amd
“Diverse representation in clinical trials is essential to improving health outcomes for all people.”infographics clinical-trials
“My vision was saved because others joined a clinical trial. Your participation in a trial can help find the next treatment.”clinical-trials infographics
1 in 2 1 de cada 2 jóvenes con diabetesinfographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics
1 in 2 youth with diabetes may develop diabetes-related retinopathy 12+ years after diagnosis.infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetesinfographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetesespanol-infographics infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetesinfographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetesinfographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetesdiabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics infographics
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetesinfographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetesinfographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetesinfographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetesdiabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes infographics
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetesinfographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes
A los 80 años, más de la mitad de los estadounidenses tendrán cataratas.infographics cataract espanol-infographics
Access and Equityinfographics advocacy-at-prevent-blindness
Age-related Macular Degeneration Affects Central Visioninfographics amd
Age-related Macular Degeneration Affects Central Visioninfographics amd
Amblopyia (lazy eye) is the most common cause of vision loss in children.infographics childrens-eye-problems
Antes de Ponerse Lentes de Contacto, Siempre Lávese las Manos conagua y Jabón.infographics contact-lens-safety espanol-infographics
Arthritis and Inflammatory Eye Disease Infographicinfographics inflammatory-eye-disease
Ayude a su hijo a practicar hábitos oculares saludables hoy para proteger su visión en el futuro.childrens-vision-health espanol-infographics infographics
Be a Voice for Visioninfographics advocacy-at-prevent-blindness
Be a Voice for Vision!infographics advocacy-at-prevent-blindness
Be a voice for Vision!advocacy-at-prevent-blindness infographics
Before Handling Contact Lenses, Always Wash Hands with Soap and Waterinfographics contact-lens-safety
By age 80 more than half of Americans will have Cataractsinfographics cataract
Can’t Take Our Eyes Off Youinfographics valentines-day holiday
Cataracts Can Occur in Babies and Childreninfographics cataract
Celebrate Safely!fireworks-and-fourth-of-july infographics
Clinical Trial Participants are Heroes!infographics clinical-trials
Conozca estos niveles relacionada con la diabetes en su cuerpo para proteger la salud de sus ojosinfographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
Contact Lens Safety- Halloweeninfographics halloween-and-halloween-safety espanol-infographics
Contact lens wearers are at higher risk for dry eye.infographics dry-eye
Contact Lens Wearers are at Higher Risk for Keratitis, an Inflammation of the Corneainfographics contact-lens-safety
Desde 2010 a 2050 se espera que la cantidad de estadounidenses con retinopatía relacionada con la diabetes casi se duplique, de 7.7 millones de personas a 14.6 millones de personas.infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
Diabetes is one of the most common risk factors for cataracts.infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Diabetes-related eye disease is the leading cause of blindness in working age adults.infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographicinfographics digital-devices
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographicinfographics digital-devices
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographicdigital-devices infographics
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographicinfographics digital-devices
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographicinfographics digital-devices
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographicinfographics digital-devices
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographicinfographics digital-devices
Do you have diabetes?infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Do you have diabetes?diabetes-related-eye-disease infographics
Do You or Does Someone You Love Have Low Visionamd infographics
Do You See What I Seeinfographics christmas holiday
Does a child in your care have diabetes?infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes
Don’t Let Cataract Keep You from Enjoying This Face!infographics cataract
Dry eye can occur if you spend a lot of time looking at your computer, tablet, or smart phoneinfographics dry-eye
Eat for Your Eyes!infographics amd
El costo anual de los trastornos de la visión de los niños en los Estados Unidos es de $10 mil millones.espanol-infographics infographics childrens-eye-problems
El ojo seco puede ocurrir si pasa mucho tiempo mirando su computadora, tableta o teléfono inteligente.infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics
Elcuidado de los párpados es importante si la causa de su ojo seco es la irritación de los párpados.infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics
Es posible que no sepa que así es como ve su hijo.infographics childrens-vision-health espanol-infographics
Este riesgo de catarata es mayor para quienes tienen familiares con la enfermedad.cataract espanol-infographics infographics
Eyelid Care is important if the cause of your dry eye is eyelid irritationinfographics dry-eye
Finding New Vision Treatments Starts with You!infographics clinical-trials
Fireworks alternatives: ideas for safe celebrationsinfographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july
Fireworks can cause major injuriesinfographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july
From 2010 to 2050, the number of Americans with diabetes-related retinopathy is expected to nearly doubleinfographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Fumando aumenta la probabilidad de tener cataratas.infographics cataract espanol-infographics
Geographic Atrophy (GA)infographics geographic-atrophy-ga
Geographic Atrophy (GA)infographics geographic-atrophy-ga
Give the Gift of Eye Protectioninfographics christmas holiday
Give the Gift of Eye Protectioninfographics christmas holiday
Give the Gift of Sightinfographics christmas holiday
Give the Gift of Sports Eye Protectioninfographics christmas holiday
Give the Gift of UV Protectioninfographics christmas holiday
Glaucomainfographics glaucoma espanol-infographics
Glaucomaespanol-infographics infographics glaucoma
Glaucomainfographics glaucoma espanol-infographics
Glaucomainfographics glaucoma espanol-infographics
Glaucomainfographics glaucoma espanol-infographics
Glaucomainfographics glaucoma espanol-infographics
Glaucoma – Loss of Peripheral Visionglaucoma infographics
Glaucoma – Risk for African Americansinfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma and Drivinginfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindnessglaucoma infographics
Glaucoma is the Silent Thief of Sightinfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma is the Silent Thief of Sightinfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma is the Silent Thief of Sightinfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma Risk Factor – Ageinfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma Risk Factor: Eye Injuryinfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma Runs in Familiesinfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma: early detection and treatmentinfographics glaucoma
Glaucoma: Early Diagnosis is Importantinfographics glaucoma
Graves Disease and Thyroid Eye Disease Infographicthyroid-eye-disease infographics
Halloween and Cosmetic Contactsinfographics halloween-and-halloween-safety
Halloween Safety Tips – Spanishinfographics halloween-and-halloween-safety espanol-infographics
Happy Hanukkahinfographics hanukkah holiday
Happy Kwanzaainfographics kwanzaa holiday
Help your child practice health habits to protect their sight.infographics childrens-vision-health
Hop on Overinfographics easter holiday
Inflammatory Eye Disease Early Detectioninfographics inflammatory-eye-disease
Inflammatory Eye Disease Infographicinfographics inflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics
Inflammatory Eye Disease Infographicinfographics inflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics
Inherited Retinal Disease (IRD) Infographicinfographics inherited-retinal-diseases
Inherited Retinal Disease Infographicinfographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight inherited-retinal-diseases
Inherited Retinal Diseases Infographicinfographics inherited-retinal-diseases
It Takes a Village to Find New Therapies for Vision Disordersinfographics clinical-trials
Juvenile Arthritis and Uveitis Infographicinfographics inflammatory-eye-disease
Keratitis Infographicinfographics keratitis
Keratitis Infographicinfographics keratitis
Keratitis Infographickeratitis infographics
Keratitis Infographicinfographics keratitis
Know Your ABCs of Diabetes to Protect Your Eye Healthinfographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
La ambliopía, “ojo vago”, es la causa más común de pérdida de visión en los niños.infographics childrens-eye-problems espanol-infographics
La atrofia geográficageographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics infographics
La atrofia geográficainfographics geographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics
La atrofia geográficainfographics geographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics
La Degeneración macular relacionada con la edad afecta la visión central.amd espanol-infographics infographics
La Degeneración macular relacionada con la edad afecta la visión central.infographics amd espanol-infographics
La diabetes es uno de los factores de riesgo más comunes para cataratas.espanol-infographics infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
La Enfermedad Ocular Inflamatoria Infografíainfographics inflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografíaespanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease infographics
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografíaespanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease infographics
La enfermedades oculares relacionada con la diabetes son la principal causa de ceguera en personas adultas en edad de trabajar.infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
La mayoría de los trastornos de la visión que provocan deficiencias se pueden prevenir.infographics childrens-eye-problems espanol-infographics
La pérdida de la visión debido a la diabetes puede proocar sentimientos de depresión y ansiedad.infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
Las mujeres tienen el doble de probabilidades de desarrollar ojo seco que los hombres.infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics
Las personas de 50 años o más tienen un mayor riesgo de ojo seco.espanol-infographics infographics dry-eye
Learn how to protect your family from fireworksinfographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july
Leave the fireworks display to the professionalsinfographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july
Los casos severos de ojo seco pueden causar daño al frente del ojo.infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics
Los factores de riesgo de la atrofia geográficaespanol-infographics infographics geographic-atrophy-ga
Los factores de riesgo de la retinopatía relacionada con la diabetesespanol-infographics infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Los síntomas de la atrofia geográficainfographics geographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics
Los Síntomas de la Retinopatíainfographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
Los trastornos de la visión más comunes en los niños son los errores de refracción.infographics childrens-eye-problems espanol-infographics
Los usuarios de lentes de contacto tienen un mayor riesgo de ojo seco.infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics
Love at First Sightinfographics valentines-day holiday
Low Vision Infographicinfographics low-vision
Majority of Glaucoma Cases are Womenglaucoma infographics
Make sure eye protection is on your gift list!infographics christmas holiday
Mantenerse saludable hará que sea más fácil:infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics
Más de 25 millones de estadounidenses tienen cataratasinfographics cataract espanol-infographics
Más mujeres que hombres tienen AMDinfographics amd espanol-infographics
Millions of Americans Undergo Successful Cataract Surgery Every Yearcataract infographics
Millones de estadounidenses se someten a una cirugía de cataratas exitosa cada año.espanol-infographics infographics cataract
More than 16 million Americans have moderate to severe dry eyeinfographics dry-eye
More than 25 Million Americans Have Cataractinfographics cataract
More Women than Men have AMDinfographics amd
Most vision disorders that lead to impairment are preventable. Act now to detect vision problems early.infographics childrens-eye-problems
Never Sleep in Contact Lenses Unless Authorized by an Eye Doctorinfographics contact-lens-safety
Never Store Your Contact Lenses in Waterinfographics contact-lens-safety
Nuenca Duerma con Lentes de Contacto a Menos que lo Autorice un Oftalmólogo.espanol-infographics infographics contact-lens-safety
Nunca Almacenes sus lentes de contacto en agua.infographics contact-lens-safety espanol-infographics
one in four children has a vision problem that requires treatment.infographics childrens-eye-problems
One in four children has a vision problem that requires treatment.infographics childrens-eye-problems
One in four children has a vision problem that requires treatment.infographics childrens-eye-problems
Only half the states in the U.S. require vision screening for preschool children.infographics childrens-vision-health
Patient Health and Safety is at the Heart of Every Clinical Trialinfographics clinical-trials
People who are ages 50 and older are at higher risk for dry eyeinfographics dry-eye
Pregnancy and Vision Infographicinfographics womens-eye-health
Pregnancy and Vision Infographicwomens-eye-health infographics
Prevalence of Glaucoma in the U.S.glaucoma infographics
Prevalence of Glaucoma in the U.S. – adultsglaucoma infographics
Prevalence of Glaucoma in the U.S. – Risk Factorsinfographics glaucoma
Proteger su visión Infografíasports-eye-safety infographics espanol-infographics
Proteger su visión Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics sports-eye-safety
Proteger su visión Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics sports-eye-safety
Proteger su visión Infografíaespanol-infographics sports-eye-safety infographics
Retinitis Pigmentosa Infographicinfographics inherited-retinal-diseases
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographicinfographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographicinfographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographicinfographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographicretinopathy-of-prematurity-rop infographics
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographicinfographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographicinfographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopathy of Prematurity Infographicinfographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografíaretinopathy-of-prematurity-rop infographics espanol-infographics
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografíaespanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop infographics
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografíainfographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop
Risk factors for diabetes-related retinopathy include:infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Risk Factors for Geographic Atrophy (GA)infographics geographic-atrophy-ga
Safe Halloweeninfographics halloween-and-halloween-safety
Safe Halloweenhalloween-and-halloween-safety espanol-infographics infographics
Santa’s Glassesinfographics christmas holiday
Save Sight, Don’t Smokeinfographics amd
Seeing is Believinginfographics christmas holiday
Severe cases of dry eye can cause damage to the front of the eyeinfographics dry-eye
Sin detección y tratamiento tempranos, los trastornos de la visión no corregidos pueden afectar el desarrollo del niño, interferir con el aprendizaje e incluso conducir a la pérdida permanente de la visión.infographics childrens-vision-health espanol-infographics
Smoking Increases Your Risk of Cataractinfographics cataract
Solo la mitad de los estados de los EE. UU. requieren un examen de la vista para los niños en edad preescolar.childrens-vision-health espanol-infographics infographics
Some Bunnyinfographics easter holiday
Sports Eye Safety Infographicinfographics sports-eye-safety
Sports Eye Safety Infographicsports-eye-safety infographics
Sports Eye Safety Infographicinfographics sports-eye-safety
Sports Eye Safety Infographicinfographics sports-eye-safety
Stargardt Disease Infographicinfographics inherited-retinal-diseases stargardt-disease-infographics
Stargardt Disease Infographicinfographics stargardt-disease-infographics
Staying healthy will make it easier to:infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy Include:infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Symptoms of Geographic Atrophy (GA)infographics geographic-atrophy-ga
Symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease Infographicinfographics thyroid-eye-disease
Symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease Infographicinfographics thyroid-eye-disease
Talk to Your Eye Doctor About (GA)infographics geographic-atrophy-ga
The annual cost of children’s vision disorders is $10 billion.infographics childrens-eye-problems
The most common vision disorders in children are refractive errors.infographics childrens-eye-problems
The Risk of Cataract is Higher for Those Who Have Family Members with the Diseaseinfographics cataract
Thousands are injured by fireworks every year.infographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july
Thyroid Eye Disease Infographicinfographics thyroid-eye-disease
Thyroid Eye Disease Infographicinfographics thyroid-eye-disease
Thyroid Eye Disease Infographicthyroid-eye-disease infographics
Tips for a Safe Halloweeninfographics halloween-and-halloween-safety
Tips for Living with Stargardt Diseasestargardt-disease-infographics infographics
Tips for Living with Stargardt Diseaseinfographics stargardt-disease-infographics
Tips for Living with Stargardt Disease Infographicinfographics stargardt-disease-infographics
Todos los Lentes de Contacto Requiren Receta Médica.infographics contact-lens-safety espanol-infographics
Treating Inflammatory Eye Disease Infographicinfographics inflammatory-eye-disease
Untreated Glaucoma Can Lead to Vision Lossinfographics glaucoma
Use Contact Lenses Safely to Protect Your Eyesinfographics contact-lens-safety
Use Lentes de Contacto de Manera Segura Para Proteger Sus Ojos.infographics contact-lens-safety espanol-infographics
UV Awareness Infographicinfographics uv-awareness
UV Awareness Infographicuv-awareness infographics
UV Awareness Infographicinfographics uv-awareness
UV Awareness Infographicinfographics uv-awareness
UV Awareness Month Infographicinfographics uv-awareness
Uveitis Infographicinflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics infographics
Uveitis infographicinfographics inflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics
Uveitis Symptoms Infographicinfographics inflammatory-eye-disease
Vision loss due to diabetes can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Vision of Lovevalentines-day infographics holiday
Warm Winter Wishesinfographics christmas holiday
We love your eyes.christmas infographics holiday
What parts of your body can be affected by diabetes?infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease
Why Genetic Testing is Importantinfographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight
Why Genetic Testing is Importantinfographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight
Why Genetic Testing is Importantinfographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight
Why Genetic Testing is Importantinfographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight
Why is Genetic Testing Important?infographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight
Without early detection and treatment, uncorrected vision disorders can impair child developmentchildrens-vision-health infographics
Women are twice more likely to develop dry eye than men.infographics dry-eye
Women Eye Health Infographicinfographics womens-eye-health
Women’s Eye Health Infographicinfographics womens-eye-health
Women’s Eye Health Infographicinfographics womens-eye-health
Women’s Eye Health Infographicinfographics womens-eye-health
Women’s Eye Health Infographicinfographics womens-eye-health
You May Not Know That This is How Your Child Sees.infographics childrens-vision-health
Your Participation in a Clinical Trial Can Help Someone Else in the Futureinfographics clinical-trials