¡Come para tus ojos! | | | infographics amd espanol-infographics |
¡Guarde la vista, no fume! | | | infographics amd espanol-infographics |
¡No dejes que las cataratas te impidan disfrutar de este rostro! | | | espanol-infographics infographics cataract |
¿Qué partes del cuerpo puede afectar la diabetes? | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
¿Tiene diabetes? | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
¿Tiene diabetes? | | | espanol-infographics infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
¿Un niño bajo su cuidado tiene diabetes? | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics |
¿Usted o alguien que conoce tiene baja visión? | | | infographics amd espanol-infographics |
“Diverse representation in clinical trials is essential to improving health outcomes for all people.” | | | infographics clinical-trials |
“My vision was saved because others joined a clinical trial. Your participation in a trial can help find the next treatment.” | | | infographics clinical-trials |
1 in 10 AMD prevalence | | | amd infographics |
1 in 2 1 de cada 2 jóvenes con diabetes | | | espanol-infographics infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes |
1 in 2 youth with diabetes may develop diabetes-related retinopathy 12+ years after diagnosis. | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes |
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics |
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics |
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetes | | | espanol-infographics infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes |
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics |
5 formas de ayudar a prevenir problemas de visión en jóvenes con diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes espanol-infographics |
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes |
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetes | | | diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes infographics |
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes |
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes |
5 ways to help prevent vision problems for youth with diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes |
A los 80 años, más de la mitad de los estadounidenses tendrán cataratas. | | | infographics cataract espanol-infographics |
Access and Equity | | | infographics advocacy-at-prevent-blindness |
Age-related Macular Degeneration Affects Central Vision | | | amd infographics |
Age-related Macular Degeneration Affects Central Vision | | | infographics amd |
Amblopyia (lazy eye) is the most common cause of vision loss in children. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems |
AMD Prevalence 50 and Older | | | amd infographics |
AMD Prevalence 80 and Older | | | amd infographics |
AMD Prevalence Increase | | | amd infographics |
Antes de Ponerse Lentes de Contacto, Siempre Lávese las Manos conagua y Jabón. | | | infographics contact-lens-safety espanol-infographics |
Arthritis and Inflammatory Eye Disease Infographic | | | infographics inflammatory-eye-disease |
Ayude a su hijo a practicar hábitos oculares saludables hoy para proteger su visión en el futuro. | | | infographics childrens-vision-health espanol-infographics |
Be a Voice for Vision | | | advocacy-at-prevent-blindness infographics |
Be a Voice for Vision! | | | infographics advocacy-at-prevent-blindness |
Be a voice for Vision! | | | infographics advocacy-at-prevent-blindness |
Before Handling Contact Lenses, Always Wash Hands with Soap and Water | | | infographics contact-lens-safety |
By age 80 more than half of Americans will have Cataracts | | | infographics cataract |
Can’t Take Our Eyes Off You | | | infographics valentines-day holiday |
Cataracts Can Occur in Babies and Children | | | infographics cataract |
Celebrate Safely! | | | fireworks-and-fourth-of-july infographics |
Clinical Trial Participants are Heroes! | | | infographics clinical-trials |
Conozca estos niveles relacionada con la diabetes en su cuerpo para proteger la salud de sus ojos | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
Contact Lens Safety- Halloween | | | infographics halloween-and-halloween-safety espanol-infographics |
Contact lens wearers are at higher risk for dry eye. | | | infographics dry-eye |
Contact Lens Wearers are at Higher Risk for Keratitis, an Inflammation of the Cornea | | | infographics contact-lens-safety |
Desde 2010 a 2050 se espera que la cantidad de estadounidenses con retinopatía relacionada con la diabetes casi se duplique, de 7.7 millones de personas a 14.6 millones de personas. | | | diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics infographics |
Diabetes is one of the most common risk factors for cataracts. | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
Diabetes-related eye disease is the leading cause of blindness in working age adults. | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographic | | | infographics digital-devices |
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographic | | | infographics digital-devices |
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographic | | | infographics digital-devices |
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographic | | | infographics digital-devices |
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographic | | | infographics digital-devices |
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographic | | | digital-devices infographics |
Digital Devices and Your Eyes Infographic | | | infographics digital-devices |
Do you have diabetes? | | | diabetes-related-eye-disease infographics |
Do you have diabetes? | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
Do You or Does Someone You Love Have Low Vision | | | infographics amd |
Do You See What I See | | | infographics christmas holiday |
Does a child in your care have diabetes? | | | infographics diabetes-in-youth-juvenile-diabetes |
Don’t Let Cataract Keep You from Enjoying This Face! | | | infographics cataract |
Dry eye can occur if you spend a lot of time looking at your computer, tablet, or smart phone | | | infographics dry-eye |
Eat for Your Eyes! | | | infographics amd |
El costo anual de los trastornos de la visión de los niños en los Estados Unidos es de $10 mil millones. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems espanol-infographics |
El ojo seco puede ocurrir si pasa mucho tiempo mirando su computadora, tableta o teléfono inteligente. | | | infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics |
Elcuidado de los párpados es importante si la causa de su ojo seco es la irritación de los párpados. | | | espanol-infographics infographics dry-eye |
Es posible que no sepa que así es como ve su hijo. | | | infographics childrens-vision-health espanol-infographics |
Este riesgo de catarata es mayor para quienes tienen familiares con la enfermedad. | | | infographics cataract espanol-infographics |
Eyelid Care is important if the cause of your dry eye is eyelid irritation | | | infographics dry-eye |
Finding New Vision Treatments Starts with You! | | | infographics clinical-trials |
Fireworks alternatives: ideas for safe celebrations | | | infographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july |
Fireworks can cause major injuries | | | infographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july |
From 2010 to 2050, the number of Americans with diabetes-related retinopathy is expected to nearly double | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
Fumando aumenta la probabilidad de tener cataratas. | | | espanol-infographics infographics cataract |
Geographic Atrophy (GA) | | | infographics geographic-atrophy-ga |
Geographic Atrophy (GA) | | | infographics geographic-atrophy-ga |
Give the Gift of Eye Protection | | | infographics christmas holiday |
Give the Gift of Eye Protection | | | infographics christmas holiday |
Give the Gift of Sight | | | infographics christmas holiday |
Give the Gift of Sports Eye Protection | | | infographics christmas holiday |
Give the Gift of UV Protection | | | infographics christmas holiday |
Glaucoma | | | infographics glaucoma espanol-infographics |
Glaucoma | | | infographics glaucoma espanol-infographics |
Glaucoma | | | espanol-infographics infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma | | | infographics glaucoma espanol-infographics |
Glaucoma | | | infographics glaucoma espanol-infographics |
Glaucoma | | | glaucoma espanol-infographics infographics |
Glaucoma – Loss of Peripheral Vision | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma – Risk for African Americans | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma and Driving | | | glaucoma infographics |
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness | | | glaucoma infographics |
Glaucoma is the Silent Thief of Sight | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma is the Silent Thief of Sight | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma is the Silent Thief of Sight | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma Risk Factor – Age | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma Risk Factor: Eye Injury | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma Runs in Families | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma: early detection and treatment | | | infographics glaucoma |
Glaucoma: Early Diagnosis is Important | | | infographics glaucoma |
Graves Disease and Thyroid Eye Disease Infographic | | | infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
Halloween and Cosmetic Contacts | | | infographics halloween-and-halloween-safety |
Halloween Safety Tips – Spanish | | | halloween-and-halloween-safety espanol-infographics infographics |
Happy Hanukkah | | | infographics hanukkah holiday |
Happy Kwanzaa | | | infographics kwanzaa holiday |
Help your child practice health habits to protect their sight. | | | infographics childrens-vision-health |
Hop on Over | | | easter infographics holiday |
Inflammatory Eye Disease Early Detection | | | infographics inflammatory-eye-disease |
Inflammatory Eye Disease Infographic | | | infographics inflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
Inflammatory Eye Disease Infographic | | | inflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics infographics |
Inherited Retinal Disease (IRD) Infographic | | | infographics inherited-retinal-diseases |
Inherited Retinal Disease Infographic | | | infographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight inherited-retinal-diseases |
Inherited Retinal Diseases Infographic | | | infographics inherited-retinal-diseases |
It Takes a Village to Find New Therapies for Vision Disorders | | | clinical-trials infographics |
Juvenile Arthritis and Uveitis Infographic | | | inflammatory-eye-disease infographics |
Keratitis Infographic | | | keratitis infographics |
Keratitis Infographic | | | infographics keratitis |
Keratitis Infographic | | | infographics keratitis |
Keratitis Infographic | | | infographics keratitis |
Know Your ABCs of Diabetes to Protect Your Eye Health | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
La ambliopía, “ojo vago”, es la causa más común de pérdida de visión en los niños. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems espanol-infographics |
La atrofia geográfica | | | infographics geographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics |
La atrofia geográfica | | | geographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics infographics |
La atrofia geográfica | | | infographics geographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics |
La Degeneración macular relacionada con la edad afecta la visión central. | | | espanol-infographics infographics amd |
La Degeneración macular relacionada con la edad afecta la visión central. | | | infographics amd espanol-infographics |
La diabetes es uno de los factores de riesgo más comunes para cataratas. | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
La Enfermedad Ocular Inflamatoria Infografía | | | infographics inflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografía | | | thyroid-eye-disease infographics espanol-infographics |
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
La Enfermedad Ocular Tiroidea Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
La enfermedades oculares relacionada con la diabetes son la principal causa de ceguera en personas adultas en edad de trabajar. | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
La mayoría de los trastornos de la visión que provocan deficiencias se pueden prevenir. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems espanol-infographics |
La pérdida de la visión debido a la diabetes puede proocar sentimientos de depresión y ansiedad. | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
Las mujeres tienen el doble de probabilidades de desarrollar ojo seco que los hombres. | | | espanol-infographics infographics dry-eye |
Las personas de 50 años o más tienen un mayor riesgo de ojo seco. | | | infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics |
Learn how to protect your family from fireworks | | | infographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july |
Leave the fireworks display to the professionals | | | infographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july |
Los casos severos de ojo seco pueden causar daño al frente del ojo. | | | infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics |
Los factores de riesgo de la atrofia geográfica | | | infographics geographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics |
Los factores de riesgo de la retinopatía relacionada con la diabetes | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
Los síntomas de la atrofia geográfica | | | infographics geographic-atrophy-ga espanol-infographics |
Los Síntomas de la Retinopatía | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
Los trastornos de la visión más comunes en los niños son los errores de refracción. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems espanol-infographics |
Los usuarios de lentes de contacto tienen un mayor riesgo de ojo seco. | | | infographics dry-eye espanol-infographics |
Love at First Sight | | | infographics valentines-day holiday |
Low Vision Infographic | | | infographics low-vision |
Majority of Glaucoma Cases are Women | | | infographics glaucoma |
Make sure eye protection is on your gift list! | | | infographics christmas holiday |
Mantenerse saludable hará que sea más fácil: | | | diabetes-related-eye-disease espanol-infographics infographics |
Más de 25 millones de estadounidenses tienen cataratas | | | infographics cataract espanol-infographics |
Más mujeres que hombres tienen AMD | | | infographics amd espanol-infographics |
Millions of Americans Undergo Successful Cataract Surgery Every Year | | | infographics cataract |
Millones de estadounidenses se someten a una cirugía de cataratas exitosa cada año. | | | infographics cataract espanol-infographics |
More than 16 million Americans have moderate to severe dry eye | | | infographics dry-eye |
More than 25 Million Americans Have Cataract | | | infographics cataract |
More Women than Men have AMD | | | infographics amd |
Most vision disorders that lead to impairment are preventable. Act now to detect vision problems early. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems |
Never Sleep in Contact Lenses Unless Authorized by an Eye Doctor | | | infographics contact-lens-safety |
Never Store Your Contact Lenses in Water | | | infographics contact-lens-safety |
Nuenca Duerma con Lentes de Contacto a Menos que lo Autorice un Oftalmólogo. | | | infographics contact-lens-safety espanol-infographics |
Nunca Almacenes sus lentes de contacto en agua. | | | infographics contact-lens-safety espanol-infographics |
one in four children has a vision problem that requires treatment. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems |
One in four children has a vision problem that requires treatment. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems |
One in four children has a vision problem that requires treatment. | | | childrens-eye-problems infographics |
Only half the states in the U.S. require vision screening for preschool children. | | | infographics childrens-vision-health |
Patient Health and Safety is at the Heart of Every Clinical Trial | | | infographics clinical-trials |
People who are ages 50 and older are at higher risk for dry eye | | | infographics dry-eye |
Pregnancy and Vision Infographic | | | infographics womens-eye-health |
Pregnancy and Vision Infographic | | | infographics womens-eye-health |
Prevalence of Glaucoma in the U.S. | | | glaucoma infographics |
Prevalence of Glaucoma in the U.S. – adults | | | glaucoma infographics |
Prevalence of Glaucoma in the U.S. – Risk Factors | | | infographics glaucoma |
Proteger su visión Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics sports-eye-safety |
Proteger su visión Infografía | | | sports-eye-safety infographics espanol-infographics |
Proteger su visión Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics sports-eye-safety |
Proteger su visión Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics sports-eye-safety |
Retinitis Pigmentosa Infographic | | | infographics inherited-retinal-diseases |
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographic | | | infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographic | | | retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop infographics |
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographic | | | infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographic | | | infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographic | | | infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Infographic | | | infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopathy of Prematurity Infographic | | | retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop infographics |
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografía | | | espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop infographics |
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Retinopatía de Prematuridad (ROP) Infografía | | | infographics espanol-infographics retinopathy-of-prematurity-rop |
Risk factors for diabetes-related retinopathy include: | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
Risk Factors for Geographic Atrophy (GA) | | | infographics geographic-atrophy-ga |
Safe Halloween | | | infographics halloween-and-halloween-safety |
Safe Halloween | | | infographics halloween-and-halloween-safety espanol-infographics |
Santa’s Glasses | | | christmas infographics holiday |
Save Sight, Don’t Smoke | | | infographics amd |
Seeing is Believing | | | infographics christmas holiday |
Severe cases of dry eye can cause damage to the front of the eye | | | infographics dry-eye |
Sin detección y tratamiento tempranos, los trastornos de la visión no corregidos pueden afectar el desarrollo del niño, interferir con el aprendizaje e incluso conducir a la pérdida permanente de la visión. | | | espanol-infographics infographics childrens-vision-health |
Smoking Increases Your Risk of Cataract | | | infographics cataract |
Solo la mitad de los estados de los EE. UU. requieren un examen de la vista para los niños en edad preescolar. | | | infographics childrens-vision-health espanol-infographics |
Some Bunny | | | infographics easter holiday |
Sports Eye Safety Infographic | | | infographics sports-eye-safety |
Sports Eye Safety Infographic | | | infographics sports-eye-safety |
Sports Eye Safety Infographic | | | infographics sports-eye-safety |
Sports Eye Safety Infographic | | | infographics sports-eye-safety |
Stargardt Disease Infographic | | | infographics inherited-retinal-diseases stargardt-disease-infographics |
Stargardt Disease Infographic | | | stargardt-disease-infographics infographics |
Staying healthy will make it easier to: | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy Include: | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
Symptoms of Geographic Atrophy (GA) | | | geographic-atrophy-ga infographics |
Symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease Infographic | | | thyroid-eye-disease infographics |
Symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease Infographic | | | infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
Talk to Your Eye Doctor About (GA) | | | infographics geographic-atrophy-ga |
Talk to Your Eye Doctor About Digital Eye Strain | | | digital-devices infographics |
The annual cost of children’s vision disorders is $10 billion. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems |
The most common vision disorders in children are refractive errors. | | | infographics childrens-eye-problems |
The Risk of Cataract is Higher for Those Who Have Family Members with the Disease | | | infographics cataract |
Thousands are injured by fireworks every year. | | | infographics fireworks-and-fourth-of-july |
Thyroid Eye Disease Infographic | | | thyroid-eye-disease infographics |
Thyroid Eye Disease Infographic | | | infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
Thyroid Eye Disease Infographic | | | infographics thyroid-eye-disease |
Tips for a Safe Halloween | | | infographics halloween-and-halloween-safety |
Tips for Living with Stargardt Disease | | | infographics stargardt-disease-infographics |
Tips for Living with Stargardt Disease | | | infographics stargardt-disease-infographics |
Tips for Living with Stargardt Disease Infographic | | | infographics stargardt-disease-infographics |
Todos los Lentes de Contacto Requiren Receta Médica. | | | espanol-infographics infographics contact-lens-safety |
Treating Inflammatory Eye Disease Infographic | | | infographics inflammatory-eye-disease |
Untreated Glaucoma Can Lead to Vision Loss | | | glaucoma infographics |
Use Contact Lenses Safely to Protect Your Eyes | | | contact-lens-safety infographics |
Use Lentes de Contacto de Manera Segura Para Proteger Sus Ojos. | | | contact-lens-safety espanol-infographics infographics |
Use the 20-20-20 Rule | | | infographics digital-devices |
UV Awareness Infographic | | | infographics uv-awareness |
UV Awareness Infographic | | | infographics uv-awareness |
UV Awareness Infographic | | | infographics uv-awareness |
UV Awareness Infographic | | | infographics uv-awareness |
UV Awareness Month Infographic | | | uv-awareness infographics |
Uveitis Infographic | | | infographics inflammatory-eye-disease espanol-infographics |
Uveitis infographic | | | espanol-infographics infographics inflammatory-eye-disease |
Uveitis Symptoms Infographic | | | infographics inflammatory-eye-disease |
Vision loss due to diabetes can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. | | | diabetes-related-eye-disease infographics |
Vision of Love | | | infographics valentines-day holiday |
Warm Winter Wishes | | | infographics christmas holiday |
We love your eyes. | | | infographics christmas holiday |
What parts of your body can be affected by diabetes? | | | infographics diabetes-related-eye-disease |
Why Genetic Testing is Important | | | infographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight |
Why Genetic Testing is Important | | | infographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight |
Why Genetic Testing is Important | | | infographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight |
Why Genetic Testing is Important | | | infographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight |
Why is Genetic Testing Important? | | | infographics genetic-testing-and-your-sight |
Without early detection and treatment, uncorrected vision disorders can impair child development | | | infographics childrens-vision-health |
Women are twice more likely to develop dry eye than men. | | | infographics dry-eye |
Women Eye Health Infographic | | | infographics womens-eye-health |
Women’s Eye Health Infographic | | | infographics womens-eye-health |
Women’s Eye Health Infographic | | | infographics womens-eye-health |
Women’s Eye Health Infographic | | | womens-eye-health infographics |
Women’s Eye Health Infographic | | | infographics womens-eye-health |
You May Not Know That This is How Your Child Sees. | | | infographics childrens-vision-health |
Your Participation in a Clinical Trial Can Help Someone Else in the Future | | | infographics clinical-trials |