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Medicare Benefits and Your Eyes

Medicare Benefits and Your Eyes
Eye Health is Important As you age, your risk for vision loss can increase due to long-term chronic disease (like diabetes), habits such as smoking, excessive UV exposure, and a

Digital Devices and Your Eyes

Digital Devices and Your Eyes
What Are Digital Devices? These can be computer screens, smart phones, tablets, and similar devices. Can Looking at Computer Screens Damage My Eyes? While complaints of eye fatigue and discomfort

Getting Professional Eye Care

Getting Professional Eye Care
This page is meant to tell you what you need to know to get professional eyecare. It explains when and how often to see your eye doctor, defines the different

20/20 Vision at 40? – Take Care of Your Eyes!

20/20 Vision at 40? – Take Care of Your Eyes!

Absent previous signs, symptoms or risk factors, Prevent Blindness encourages all Americans to get a baseline eye exam by an ophthalmologist or optometrist at the age of 40, and regular