The U.S. Eye Care Provider Map

The U.S. Eye Care Provider Map is an exploratory data and screening tool for vision care providers across the US. The version of the tool providers data visualization by county for each state in the US and the subspecialties listed in the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) National Provider Identifier (NPI) dataset.

Filter by State

Specialty Filters

Data Table

Click the JSON or CSV button for each data type to download a data file.

Map Tab

You can filter the map by vision care provider subspecialty and state from the selections below the map. Summary statistics will display in the data table in the Data Table tab and the map will display the selected area and statistics.

Map Views

The Map View Menu at the top of the map allows you to change your view. The default view is the Counties map. View options are:

  • Counties (Map)
  • Counties (Data Table)
  • Congressional Districts (Map)
  • Congressional Districts (Data Tables)
  • Zip Codes (Map)
  • Zip Codes (Data Tables)

Map Layers

The default map layer is “Providers per 100k Population.”

Click the layer icon in the map legend at the upper left-hand corner of the map to select a different map layer to view.

US Vision Care mapping tool layer icon

Layer options are:

  • Providers Per 100k Population
  • Total Providers
  • Percent of People with Vision Difficulty
  • Percent Without Health Insurance
  • Percent Less than High School
  • Total Population
  • FQHC and Look Alikes

Data Definitions

    • Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) and Health Center Look-Alike (LAL) – Federally-funded health centers that provide health services. Health centers are community-based and consumer-run organizations that serve populations with limited access to health care.
    • Providers Per 100k Population – The number of providers per 100,000 people in the geography
    • Total Providers – The total number of providers in the geography.
    • Percent with Vision Difficulty – Percentage of people who are blind or have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses.
    • Percent Without Health Insurance – Percentage of people without health insurance coverage.
    • Percent Less than High School Education at Age 25 – Percentage of people age 25 and over with less than a high school diploma or equivalent.
    • Total Population – Total population in the geography.

Data Sources

Providers – HHS NPI (August 2023)
Population Data – ACS 2021 5-Year Estimates (via Social Explorer)
FQHCs and LALs – HRSA (Oct 2023)
Geographies (Counties, Congressional Districts, ZCTAs) – US Census Administrative Boundaries (2020)

Data Table Tab

In the Data Table tab, the data table will reflect the choices you have selected in your map view for state and specialty.

Download Tab

Download the county summary data or a list of providers for your query (choices you selected in your map view for state and specialty) from the Download tab.


Filter by State

Specialty Filters

Data Table

Data Table


Click the JSON or CSV button for each data type to download a data file.

Using the Map

Map Tab

You can filter the map by vision care provider subspecialty and state from the selections below the map. Summary statistics will display in the data table in the Data Table tab and the map will display the selected area and statistics.

Map Views

The Map View Menu at the top of the map allows you to change your view. The default view is the Counties map. View options are:

  • Counties (Map)
  • Counties (Data Table)
  • Congressional Districts (Map)
  • Congressional Districts (Data Tables)
  • Zip Codes (Map)
  • Zip Codes (Data Tables)

Map Layers

The default map layer is “Providers per 100k Population.”

Click the layer icon in the map legend at the upper left-hand corner of the map to select a different map layer to view.

US Vision Care mapping tool layer icon

Layer options are:

  • Providers Per 100k Population
  • Total Providers
  • Percent of People with Vision Difficulty
  • Percent Without Health Insurance
  • Percent Less than High School
  • Total Population
  • FQHC and Look Alikes

Data Definitions

    • Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) and Health Center Look-Alike (LAL) – Federally-funded health centers that provide health services. Health centers are community-based and consumer-run organizations that serve populations with limited access to health care.
    • Providers Per 100k Population – The number of providers per 100,000 people in the geography
    • Total Providers – The total number of providers in the geography.
    • Percent with Vision Difficulty – Percentage of people who are blind or have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses.
    • Percent Without Health Insurance – Percentage of people without health insurance coverage.
    • Percent Less than High School Education at Age 25 – Percentage of people age 25 and over with less than a high school diploma or equivalent.
    • Total Population – Total population in the geography.

Data Sources

Providers – HHS NPI (August 2023)
Population Data – ACS 2021 5-Year Estimates (via Social Explorer)
FQHCs and LALs – HRSA (Oct 2023)
Geographies (Counties, Congressional Districts, ZCTAs) – US Census Administrative Boundaries (2020)

Data Table Tab

In the Data Table tab, the data table will reflect the choices you have selected in your map view for state and specialty.

Download Tab

Download the county summary data or a list of providers for your query (choices you selected in your map view for state and specialty) from the Download tab.