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Articles to Keep You Informed

2013: Year of Children’s Vision

Leading Vision and Public Health Groups Collaborate to Promote “Year of Children’s Vision” – New National Program Created to Help Improve Children’s Eye Health Programs in Early Education Programs Across

CDC Grant Supports PBA Research

New Study Identifies Obstacles for Vulnerable Adults Referred for Follow-up Eye Exams – Lack of Transportation Cited as Most Common Reason for Missed Follow-up Care Appointments – CHICAGO (Oct. 2,

Illinois Swing Fore Sight Golf Outing

Prevent Blindness America to Host Illinois Swing Fore Sight Golf Outing –September Event Held to Raise Funds for Non-profit Group – CHICAGO (Aug. 29, 2013) – Chicago-based Prevent Blindness America

New Resource for Symptomatic VMA

CHICAGO (July 30, 2013) – As we age, many will start to experience distorted or decreased vision.  There can be many reasons for these changes – but one diagnosis in