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Articles to Keep You Informed

May Eye and Vision News

Eye and Vision News is a newsletter for people interested in eye health and the vision care industry. Prevent Blindness compiles this newsletter.

Be A Voice for Eye Can Vision!

  We need your help! Congress is currently working on funding for vision and eye health programs for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, which begins this October. During this critical time,

Department of Aging reminds all adults that healthy habits and regular exams help preserve the precious gift of sight during Protect Ohio’s Aging Eyes Month

   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                      Contact: (614) 728-0253 April 9, 2012                                                                                                               [email protected]     Ohioans can minimize the impact of age-related eye diseases on their quality of

The Eye Patch Club

The Eye Patch Club is a fun and supportive program for families during a child’s amblyopia patching treatment.  Joining the Eye Patch Club provides you and your child with access

Be a Voice for Vision!

We need your help! Congress is currently working on funding for vision and eye health programs for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, which begins this October. During this critical time, Congress

Women Must Take Steps to Avoid Vision Loss

CHICAGO (March 27, 2012)–Every year, more women than men are diagnosed with eye diseases and conditions such as cataracts, dry eye, Fuchs’ dystrophy, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and Sjögren’s